Mike, Sledge hammers & welding the fuel line, eh? :-) In order to replace the steel line, the body has to be lifted off the frame. And I'm not sure if you are ready to do a frame off restoration just yet. The brass fittings that PJ Grady sells are a lot softer than the OEM steel fittings and should likewise seal better with less torque. I suggest taking it apart and checking to see if any trash got in the way or if there are any scratches or deformities in the fitting to stop it from seating properly. It is totally inappropriate to use teflon tape in this fitting. The threads don't make the seal. They only compress the sealing surfaces together. And the seal comes from the surfaces slightly deforming onto each other as they are compressed. Teflon tape won't do any good here. The proper tools for these fittings are called "line wrenches". These are a hybrid between an open end crescent wrench and a box wrench. Think of it as a box wrench with the end cut open enough to fit over the line. These "wrap around" the fittings better than a plain open end wrench and are less apt to distort it. On my DeLorean, I found that the flexible fuel line is too thick for my line wrench to snap over, but I had no trouble fitting one on the metal line. Walt Tampa, FL