In a word, FRAM Oil Filters SUCK!
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In a word, FRAM Oil Filters SUCK!

A while back, I needed to do an oil change. I went to Autozone to 
get an oil filter. But neither of the 3 stores I went to stocked the 
BOSCH filters I was seeking. So, despite warnings, I went 
ahead and used a FRAM filter. And juding by my last oil change, I 
could have paid a price for being a hypocrite. After all, I always 
reccomend using DeLorean specific parts, yet I didn't use them 
on my car...

Pulling the filter off was a chore. Before this, I've only once 
needed a tool to pull an oil filter on any vehicle. But this time, I 
needed to crush the filter with tongs just to grip it. I then had to 
put my body weight into it to finally spin the filter! And yes, I 
ALWAYS lube the rubber ring on the filter with fresh oil before 

Once removed, I noticed that the inside of the filter didn't quite 
look right. Upon closer inspection I discovered that the filter 
inside had COMPLETLY DETERIORATED!!!! The filtration 
material was a complete mess. And the "bypass valve" on the 
filter had colapsed, and was sitting off to the side. So I doubt that 
this filter even cleaned anything. Aside from being a mess, I'm 
just hoping that nothing has broken loose, and gotten into the 
engine. Everything seemed pretty intact, but it did tear apart a bit 
to easily for my taste.

If anyone is interested, I have uploaded pictures into the 
"Photos" section. This is a great companion to the pics that 
James Espy from DMCH uploaded. His are "before", and these 
can be considered "after".

DeLorean or not, I will always replace the oil filters on my cars 
from now on with the exact same ones that the manufacturer 

vin 6585 "X"

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