In my constant quest to try to get the striker pins on my passenger door aligned correctly, tonight I tried removing the washer from the rear pin. Every time I close the door, the door is pushed forward slightly by the rear pin, so I figured that adjusting it inward would help. Wrong. The door did close nice, but now it won't open. I've tried locking/unlocking the door, using the inside and outside handles, pushing down on the door first before trying it, got inside and took the upper door panel off to see if there was a problem with the rods, and even used sheer force to try to get the door open. It's still stuck. Does anyone have any suggestions on what the door is jammed against, and/or how I can get it open again? And just to prove to myself that I have no door skills, I just walked through the screen door on my house. :) Just another note, I do have door guides. As always, thank you in advance. -Christian