[MODERATOR NOTE: This message, though overly long, calls FatBoy's credentials into question, a relevant topic for this discussion. - moderator Mike Substelny] Fatboy: Email is a wonderful thing. A garbage man can pretend to be a prince, and you can pretend to be an expert, without revealing your true identity. You spent a lot of time researching the list to demean everyone you could, and hit us with a litney of opinions, all flawed. Sir, this isn't about spelling or grammatical correctness, and this isn't about you. You are not important; you don't have the intestinal fortitude to admit who you are - but think you're qualified to slam any and everyone that could possibly disagree with your narrowminded opinion. That said, we as DELOREAN OWNERS (not wannabees) have the final say on this - IT'S CALLED THE DELETE BUTTON! De Oppresso Liber ! Jim