I had the same problem with my car once...turned out that it needed to be bleed. -----Original Message----- From: Paul Salsbury [mailto:paul.salsbury@xxxx] Subject: [DML] Today the first of many After 9 month of owning my car today I took her to work for her first run out in the 'wild' legally, taxed and MOT'd and didn't that feel just great!! I ran the car to work 20miles, no problems there she sat for 5 hours. I then had to go to another stop 30 miles away, again no problems, about 20 min after parking I took some people out to see her, and to my horror she was dripping underneath (coolant) this progressively got worse until it was a steady stream, eventually stopping when there was none left. Any Ideas....... Phantom leak??? Cheers Paul #6463