It still sounds like the classic hot-start problem. It will crank well but not start after it is hot and when cooled off it starts right up. It will usually turn out to be either or both the fuel accumulater and the check valve in the fuel pump. Remove the return line at the accumulater and if fuel comes out of the accumulater it's diagraham is gone. Repalce it and see if that is enough. Be careful with the fuel lines as if you damage them you have to lift the body to replace them! While you are underneath replacing the fuel filter is a good idea especially if the accumulater went bad as small chunks of the rubber diaghram will be caught up in it. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jason Jones" <jason@xxxx> wrote: > > I Checked the RPM Relay and it appears to be working.... i.e it clicks when I turn the ignition.... Of course the problem is not happening right now, so it's hard to "Try" something.
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