Hi Chris, I recently ( few months ago) purchased a DeLorean that was just under $10,000 dollars. My car had been in storage for over 10 years prior to me buying it, the owner decided to attempt to get it running sucking 10 years worth of grime and stale gas through my entire fuel system. I went a view a few cars in your price range, and saw a few cars in the $14-18k price range. There is a huge diffrence in conditions and reliablity of the cars. Cars that may have been in the lower price range looked ok, but would have been huge amounts of money to make them reliable. So int he end your paying no matter what. My stored car is running now and has had large amounts of parts and mechanical restoration to get it as far as it is now. Now i have a car that is reliable, SAFE ( being the main word here, we all love our cars but were in no hurry to die in them), and is cometicly exceptional and with low miles. The discounted rate i got my car at was nice up front, but the thousands of dollars to get it going could be bad for you privding your nto expecting it or don't have it (i knew what i was getting into before hand). My advice to you is gow buy a reliable car, gets som good driving experiance under your belt so you have lower insurance, a reliable daily driver car, and later on a fun sports car. - Shain #10140 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "chrissy_777uk" <wasnotwas@xxxx> wrote: > > > I am in the process of saving for my delorean (I'm 18) and was > wondering what the verdict is on the 'cheap' cars that I often find > advertised (under $10000) and whether they are reliable. [moderator snip]