Gearsticks are a different matter. Although 19/20 cars in Europe have 1st forward, 2nd back 3rd to the right of 1st etc, some (like Lamboughini and Ferrari) have 1st back, 2nd forward etc etc. Left-to-right they're the same across the world. The positioning of reverse is NOT changed on the RHD DeLoreans, and this is a bit of an oversight IMO because it's pretty awkward to achieve with your left hand. The positioning and operation of reverse is different across pretty much every manufacturer even today (and here in Europe the ratio of 5-speed to automatics is still 10:1), though many are now putting it "behind" 5th, with a special latch to stop you accidentally changing down into reverse from 5th. I have not driven a car that has the same linkage as the DeLorean. The old mini metro required you to lift the stick, but reverse was next to 4th. My Citroen BX requires you to lift a ring under the knob, and push it next to 1st, The old VW Passat requires you to push down on the gearstick and place it behind 5th. And so on... Martin #1458 carnut4849 wrote: > Also, > on the shifter of a 5 speed, Reverse is to the left side of the car > and 5th is to the right side of the car. Is this the same on RHD? > Thanks, > Gary Masie
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