THIS POST CONTAINS IMPORTANT SUBSCRIPTION, UNSUBSCRIPTION, AND EXPECTATIONS OF THE DELOREAN MAILING LIST. YOU SHOULD REVIEW IT, PRINT IT OUT, AND KEEP IT IN A SAFE PLACE SO THAT YOU CAN REFER TO IT IN THE FUTURE. THIS FILE IS SENT TO EACH MEMBER ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH AS A REMINDER OF ITS EXISTENCE AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN. Updated December 9, 2001 Welcome fellow DeLorean enthusiast: This is the DeLorean mailing list. Please take a moment to review this message. It includes some rules of conduct, information about web sites for the list, as well as subscription and unsubscription information. 1.0 CHARTER - This list exists for the enthusiasts of the DeLorean cars produced during the 1981-83 model years. We all have a bit to learn from each other, and welcome ALL DeLorean owners as members of the group. This list also exists for the benefit of those for whom ownership is a future event and would like to get a handle on what it takes to live with, or be married to, these wonderful cars. This list exists independently of the current business known as the DeLorean Motor Company, or any other groups, email lists, or web sites dealing with DeLorean automobiles other than 2.0 RESTRICTIONS - This is an unrestricted subscription list. Anyone may join at any time without approval. All postings are subject to approval by the active member of the moderating team. Please note that, in order to reduce unsolicited spam, only authorized subscribers can post messages; anonymous postings don't get past the list processor. Topics should deal with anything concerning owning, fixing, driving, restoring, detailing, or anything else tangential with what it takes to live with these unique and affordable automobiles. Also welcome are discussion of the DeLorean Motor Company (the original manufacturer) and John Z. DeLorean himself. Personal impressions, links to sites, links to other information or personal experiences are especially welcome. Personal, side observations of off-topic areas should be minimized, but right now, are not absolutely forbidden. Please be respectful of each other's mailboxes. Flames, intolerance, gross characterizations, or any racial, ethnic, or orientation slurs are forbidden. The moderator will delete obscenities and any intolerant comments. The decision of the moderator as to what is obscene, intolerant, or not in keeping with 'spirit' of the list is final. This is, and has been, and will continue to be, a "G" rated list. 3.0 ITEMS FOR SALE/SWAP - Items for sale, including cars, for PERSONAL purposes are just fine; commercial ventures should use good judgment and restraint (say, no more than once every couple weeks, ok?) and not tie up the list with advertisements. It has been noted that many list members have spare parts or knowledge that they are willing to swap or sell to other members at reasonable cost to help each other out. More detailed vendor rules at We tend to frown on postings seeking a "cheap" DeLorean, as the average list-member tends to find this offensive. Be sure to include your email ID in the form of "joe(AT)" because Yahoo Groups strips the email ID out of addresses in the archives. 4.0 NETIQUETTE - Please note that you should use caution when quoting personal email in your reply, unless you have the acquiescence of all parties to the communications. Please respect the rights of your fellow list-members and help maintain some modicum of privacy for private email as well as list decorum. The list is setup to strip ALL attachments, to prevent virus forwarding, dirty pictures, email pyramid schemes and the like from cluttering up the list. File size is restricted so as to inhibit quoting entire digests. If you have images or other data that you would like the members to see, please post the info the site, and provide a URL to the users versus attaching that file to a message. When replying to a message, let's get back into the (seemingly) long-lost netizen habit of snipping unneeded or non-germane text from the body of the reply. Especially, please be painfully aware of replying to the list if you are in DIGEST mode, since a one or two-line retort in the middle of a digest, if you are quoting the whole digest, is aggravating to your fellow users. We are a pretty tolerant bunch, but that tolerance has been built up by a long tradition of respectful and open dialogue by the members of the group here. 5.0 OTHER SHARED FILES - As a member, there is a shared file area you can upload images to on the yahoo server site; compressed JPEG is the best to conserve disk space on the servers. We do reserve the right to clean out the file area from time to time to conserve disk space; we only have 20megs available. We would caution against uploading any scans of copyrighted material to either of these sites. This is not the place to debate whether or not the information is for personal use, for now, let's accept the fact that copyright owners have the right to tell us what to do with their intellectual property. The fact is, in this litigious society, we don't have the resources to fight swarms of lawyers descending on us because a site we administer has copyrighted material on it. We need the bucks to keep our cars running...:) 6.0 HOW DO I TURN THIS OFF - To unsubscribe from this list, go to the Yahoo Groups web site, at, and select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left. Or, alternatively, you can send a message to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and the system will ask you to reply to a confirmation message. 7.0 HOW DO I CHANGE MY SUBSCRIPTION - I don't like getting 50 emails a day. Can you help? Yes - Go into the members area off of the top page of the Yahoo Groups website for the group, select your name, and change your subscription type to something other than individual emails. 8.0 LIST OWNER AND CONTACT INFORMATION - Any suggestions for improvements greatly appreciated, either on or off-list. Questions or comments to the moderator should be sent to moderator(AT) All the moderators will see your note. More detailed information on the list-owners is available at Technical information is used solely at your own risk. Your use of YahooGroups is subject to
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