Group, I posted several new parts on my web site today, The trailing arm bolts, 12.9 Steel cad plated., A panel meter of constant measuring the co reading of the car, a new not NOS water back which has been hard to find or not at all. I now have new water pumps and new backs. Delorean exact items. I also posted a picture of the fuel filter bottom connection and the 14mm fitting banjo so some can see the correct way to keep the filter from leaking and last a picture of several pieces of hardware to identify and use as reference when your trying to explain what a banjo fitting is to some of the people behind the counter that thinks it's something you play. I went into Sears the other day to get a new tip for my soldering iron and the clerk didn't know what I was talking about. Wow, am I getting old or they living in a sheltered world. No, neither they just don't know what a soldering iron is. John Hervey