Re: [DML] logos & copyrights
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Re: [DML] logos & copyrights

In a message dated 11/22/01 1:11:47 PM Central Standard Time, Whalt@xxxx 

> It is these finer things in life that I enjoy. One day I'm going to hide a
> microphone on my car and record what people say. I'll put the better
> comments on a list and post them for everyone to see. It never ceases to
> amuse me what the common expert has to say about my car.
> Walt Tampa, FL


one of my favorites is to have my car in a local car show and walk away from 
my car and check out the other cars. when i come back to my car i pretend 
i'm one of the crowd - it's awesome hearing what people say about my car when 
they don't know the owner is right next to them!!!

this fall, someone who was supposedly an 'expert' started answering people's 
questions - some guy wondered out loud to his wife, 'i wonder what kind of 
engine that has in it?' and the the expert, who was looking at my car near 
him, piped up and said, 'oh, it's a got a windsor 351! these are pretty much 
all ford parts, you know", then he started talking to other people about it. 
then someone noticed my specs display and that put everyone's theories aside. 
the 'expert' still said 'i swear, my friend's brother had one of these and 
'some of them' came with a windsor 351!!!'

i just chuckled!

1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102

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