Hello, Well on my birthday (15th) i brought home my DeLorean from Ohio. It's an 82' grey leather 5 speed, with grooves in the roof and delorean emblem. The one nice thing about it was it was in storage in the last 8-10 years, so it is beautifuly preserved, with under 7,000 miles, but needs some minor mechanical work. The previous owner had attempted to clean some of the fuel out and throw some new in. Which seemed to work ok, but still has alot of bad gas in it. He also sent the old alternator out to be fixed because it failed, and the place that did it destroyed. So now i am installing a new 144 amp delco alternator. My first question is, is there a way to suck the old gas out w/o removing the whole tank? I had attempted to to stick a narrow pipe down with a pump i have, but it didn't work well. I also installed a new 900+ amp battery and was able to get the car to run, but you could tell bad gas was the culprit for the bad idle. There is a very small amount left in it, could i just throw some cleaner/and dry gas in it was a good amount of high octane fuel to clean it out? Another thing the previous owner did was to cut the catyltic convert off and jerry rig some sort of pipe to it, would the converter being off also effect the idle? I think i asked enough questions for this post, back to working on my car. - Shain #10140