Andy, Go get a stud remover. It uses a cam action to grip the stud while you unscrew it. It connects to your socket wrench. I had to buy one and found it at a NAPA store for about $30. It sure beats drilling a hole in your head. Your local muffler shop may have one that you could "Rent". Scott Mueller DMCNEWS 002981 DOA 5031 -----Original Message----- From: Soma576@xxxx [mailto:Soma576@xxxx] Subject: [DML] air induction bolt broken! help! Hey all, well i decided to be a fool and remove my air induction manifold. looks like i got more than i bargained for, just like i was afraid of. the bolt that holds the manifold to the engine casing near the #6 cylinder (closest to the A/C comp) broke in half while removing it. Andy