I was on the road today with my Delorean, and it stalled at a traffic light. I tried to start it again, and when I turned the key, it cranked, but did not catch. Luckily I was on a SLIGHT downhill so I let the car roll and poped the clutch. The engine started right back up, but as soon as I gave it gas, it instantly stalled. I managed to roll/run/stall to the side of the road. I rode the shoulder for about a minute until i got to a driveway (stalling and bucking the car the whole way) When I pulled into the business parking lot, the car seemed to idle fine. I let it sit for a min, and then reved the engine a few times....all seemed good. I drove a few circles in the lot...all seemed good. I got back on the road, and drove for about 5 mintues...it bucked once more from a stall...then was fine. I drove about 1/2 hour (going home from work...figured if the car would hang in there, I could make it without a tow) and it stalled 2-3 more times just after I started to roll out of another traffic light...i just kept the gas on, kept it in gear, and it ran fine again after a few seconds. Made it home without further incident. (another 20 min) What I noticed: 1. Car would not start the first time when key was turned...seems to be ok now. 2. When Ideling, the oil pressure would drop between the 0 and the first tick mark (i thought that seemed low)..could this be an oil pump going bad? When the car stalled, the oil light was on, but I think that is becuase the key was in the "On position" when the engine was not running. 3. Engine would cut FLAT out... 4. I ususally put Super in the car, and last week I filled it with regular gas...dont know if it is being fussy? Maybe something in the line? Suggestions? Help? I am not a mechanic by any means, so mostly I am looking for "it could be"s rather then "Try this..." unless the try part is REALLY easy.
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