This is a compilation of frequently asked questions I have been answering about the side mirrors. Q: Is the curvature excessive enough that I wouldn't be able to accurately judge distances? A: No, but the USDOT thinks otherwise. That is why they require all auto manufactures to permanently include the warning, OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR. The new DeLorean convex mirrors have the same curvature as what has been used on passenger side mirrors on cars the world over for many years. I'm pretty sure that by '85 that all new cars in the U.S. were required to have convex mirrors on the passenger side. So if there were an '85 model made of the DMC-12, it probably would have had mirrors like what I am making. Q: How well is the visibility improved? A: Without adjusting the mirror, I can see some of the sky and some of the ground behind and next to the car. It makes parallel parking and backing into spaces much easier. But this isn't anything different than any newer car with the same kind of mirror. It just makes sense. Q: What is it like having a convex mirror on the drivers side? A: It is a bit different than what I'm used to. It is nice, but not as big as an improvement as having one on the passenger side. I don't have any problems with depth perception. Now that I've tried it for a while, I would want one on any car that I had to drive regularly. Most cars in Europe have convex mirrors on both sides of the car, but the drivers side is often cut into quarters or thirds where it is divided into some flat and some convex. Some newer cars in Europe have all convex mirror on both sides of the car, so that is what I have done with my DeLorean. Even U.S. made cars exported to Europe have convex drivers side mirrors and even some with convex rear view mirrors! So far everyone in Europe who I have dealt with expects convex mirrors for both sides of the car. Q: How do they look on the car? A: I shape these mirrors to be same shape as the original flat glass. So when they are installed in the mirror housing, they look very factory. One nice thing I noticed right away is the better color rendition from the convex. This will take some explaining. The OEM flat mirrors are made with the reflective surface on the back. This has some disadvantages. The adhesive on the back eventually disturbs the reflective surface and makes stains in the reflection. The glass has iron dissolved into it which makes it stronger, but this comes at the expense of making the glass look green. The reflection you see comes from light that has passed through the glass twice. You get a green filter effect along with refraction & distortion. But with the new convex mirror, the reflective part is on the exposed surface of the glass. When compared to the OEM mirror, this convex glass has a gray/brown look which much more resembles the gray/brown tint to the rest of the DeLorean windows. I am suspicious that one of the reasons that windshields break so easily on DeLoreans is because they appear to have a very low iron content (no green hue). Q: Where do I get these mirrors? A: Be the high bidder on eBay! Otherwise, wait until I make more. My life is a mess. I am between building a house, running a business, and taking care of the family. It will probably be early next year before I make any more mirrors. Walt Tampa, FL
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