Robert, That was a great synopsis about DMC. Can you tell us where you got your information about the design of the front crumple tube originally being too strong? Also, I'm not aware that the trailing arm bolts were ever recalled. I'm curious to know if you have any information on this. I understand that the problem was that the bolts were good, but they were not torqued properly at the factory. If you know of any documentation that discusses the quality of the bolt itself, I'm curious to hear about it. So far I have removed trailing arm bolts from two DeLoreans, and both of them had bent trailing arm bolts on the passenger side. Coincidence? And I got a good laugh about what you said: >If I belived > everything a stranger told me about my car, I'd have a helecoptor > engine made by Ford, and my car would be illegal to drive because > it's either too fast, or too shiny! :) So true, so true! Walt Tampa, FL