Matthew, You have had a lot of good reply's, but you may want to take the radiator out and clean out behind the air conditioner grill. It's more than likley plugged with bugs and gunk. That's about 1/2 of the radiator. If air can flow, it won't cool. You can't clean it good without taking it out, fans block the back and air conditioner grill blocks the front. Once you do this, then the other things that have been mentioned can be evaluated properly. You may won't to have a shop check it for water flow also. Otterstat,thermostat, so on. My temp gauge virtually never goes above the second mark on the road and the fans almost never come on except in town or when I turn on the air. Naturally I have all my Fixes installed. John Hervey . --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Matthew David" <DMC5524@xxxx> wrote: > Dear group, > > I have had me DeLorean for almost four years now. Within the last 6 to 9 > months I have noticed a particularly irritating habit it has. I drive it > alot of the time, as it is one of my daily drivers. However I seldom take it > on the highway, I mostly just drive stop ang go around the city. Anyway, > when I do drive it at highway speeds it overheats rather quickly.