Group, My last comments for now about the door lock module. Again, I'm not making a case to save them, just pointing out some things that I have found. A fuse or a circuit breaker is current sensing electro mechanical devise made to protect something. Whether it's a module or a hair dryer. Some fuses blow and you have to replace them and other fuses like the CB trip and self heal. Match the current needed to the circuit and the lag time for the circuit to trip the protection devise. The circuit breaker has a slow response time to the current flow. By using the lower current/amp CB, you tighten up the response time for it to trip, thus saving the devise your trying to protect. 40 amp CB are to slow to respond in this circuit, that will allow the circuit to burn up or blow a diode or something. The Module already has 1000 mf cap's in the circuit to lessen the spark, and the coils of the relay's are activated by the door lock switch. These have virtually no current on them and will almost last forever. To sum it up, 1st, I'm not trying to build a door lock module, 2nd, the 10amp or 15 CB amp will help protect, 3rd, I do have better relay to go into the module if you want to update it, and 4th, if you will lubricate to mechanical mechanism that activates the locks and make sure the door lock switch handle isn't a compromising position, you may not have a problem with the module failing. Bob, has done I'm sure a great design on this module and I have other fish to fry at this point. Thanks John Hervey