I could be wrong on this, but I think it's the 740 that is the match for the DeLorean Idle Speed Motor. The 760 uses a different type of motor. The 740 will not be easy to get to, as the ISM is located under the intake manifold. Don't even bother looking at the 260 for a match. It uses an entirely different type of regulator to control the idle with isn't compatable either. Take if from me as someone who went thru simular problems with the Idle Speed Circuit, don't start replacing things untill you've checked the wiring and all connections. Here is the quick, easy way to do it. Use a voltmeter to check every thing. It should be 11-12 volts with the key in the "ON" postion, and the engine off. Connect the main feed for the Idle Speed ECU to the ground to check for proper voltage. Using the powerfeed, you can then connect to the wire for the Microswitch to verify it is fuctioning properly. To check the wires for the ISM, insert a jumper into the plug, and ground it to the engine block. The just connect the feed for the ECU to the wires individually to check (using a voltmeter in every instance here to check). By doing this, you will save yourself both headache, and money. I ended up spending unessisary amounts of cash on both a new ISM, and an ECU. Turned out the culprit was a simple wire. 1 bypass, and the problem was fixed! -Robert vin 6585 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Delorean17@xxxx wrote: > Hi, > Ever since I have purchase my car it has had a small idle problem. > Sometimes it acts like the microswitch isn't engaging and will idle around > 1300 Rpm's or so
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