Yesterday evening, I just returned home from my week and a half vacation which included the DMC Houston open house. The total drive in my DeLorean was about 3760 miles, Minneapolis-Houston-Knoxville-Minneapolis, all within 10 days. Grand average mileage was about 26mpg, with a couple city shots with 21, and a few country drives pulling 29. For anyone who may doubt the car's ability, I hope this proves you wrong. Not a single problem occured with the car. A few of you may know I developed a small short in the instrument cluster, but that was because I hit that bump going north from the Sofitel to fast and too many times. However it never effected the driveability of the car. I would also like to give a public thank you to Aaron Posey, Ken Koncelik, and Dave Swingle for allowing me to crash at thier places during my trip. Also, Darren Decker goes into my car's history as being the first person to drive my DeLorean other than me since I bought it, exactly one year ago. (Thats what you get when you try to drive from Houston to Knoxville in one shot starting at 3:00pm.) Overall, I thought the open house was fun, however I'm not quite sold yet on the engine upgrade, I'll wait and see what stage II and III pump out. Now my car needs new rear tires and an oil change, so I think I'll give it a break for now. (8000 miles in 3 months is a little exessive). Jim Reeve MNDMC - Minnesota DeLorean Club DMC-6960