There are several reasons the fans could be running constantly. Whithout knowing what the condition of your wiring is or what relays have been changed I am only guessing. First pull one of the wires off the otterstadt switch located on a coolant pipe on the left side of the engine. If that stops the fans then just replace it. (Make sure the clip is on it and also replace the seal and NEVER use silicon on it.) If that doesn't stop the fans you could have a stuck relay or maybe someone just rewired the car. You could try pulling the fan relay but that won't tell you anything. You will have to troubleshoot the circuit using M:18:10. If you have the blue fan fail relay either install the jumper or get a Fanzilla. Make sure you have the upgraded circuit breaker and all of the connections are clean and tight. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Travis Goodwin <tgoodwin@xxxx> wrote: > I've been following everyone's fan troubles for a while now and I haven't > seen anyone with my exact problem, so I thought I'd speak up. My fans stay > on ALL the time. I stepped out last night late just to test (the car hand't > been driven all day) and turned the key... sure emeough. The fans came on. > I'm thinking it's a bad coolant switch, but could it also be the thermostat? > > If these fans are on during cranking, could they drain the battery enough to > make it difficult to start? Since I noticed this problem the car has been > difficult to start. > > Thanks > > Travis > #3512
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