Mike, If this is coming from the driver's side, then it's most likely your oil pressure sensor. Stick your head under the car and look for a large nut with some wires running to it. It should be clean, but my guess is that it will be covered with oil. If this is comimg from the passenger's side, it's most likely oil pressure switch (i may have reversed the names of these). Anyway, it's right where the oil filter screws in. Both are inexpensive parts (somewhere around 20 bucks), and both are pretty easy to fix. -Christian On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Michael Pike wrote: > > I went to get my digital camera out of the D today, > and what was a one spot dribble of oil, has change to > many spots, and looks like it may be a problem. > > Is this a known issue? Where should I look? > [moderator snip]