Hey List, I finally found where the inline fuses are for the radio (they were both blown), and I used a test light and I was getting power to the light green wire (gets power when ignition is on), but I still didn't get power to the purple wire (constant power for memory) so then I checked out the wiring diagram, and saw that the purple wire gets its power from fuse #17. The fuse was blown, so I changed it, and then I tried to get the cigarette lighter to work and the fuse kept blowing. I know what everyone must be thinking.."jeez...he can put a car together but he can't figure out why a simple fuse is always blowing?" I'm not really the best at electronics and I just need some opinions on where to start looking. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me. Thanks! Later, Nick 1852 <A HREF="Http://members.aol.com/njp548">Http://members.aol.com/njp548</A>