Re: Removable Windows
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Re: Removable Windows

Actually, you can't remove the glass. The purpose of the fixed glass 
is to strengthen the gullwing doors. Compared to other cars with 
gullwing doors (production or kit), you'll notice that the doors for 
the DeLorean application are larger. The hinge is farther in twards 
the center of the car to reduce the opening clearace. And the door is 
longer from top to bottom to reduce the highth of the door sills to 
make ingress/egress easier. Now factor in that the DeLorean's doors 
are also wider, and contain much more internal parts. Compared to 
other gullwing doors, you have a wiring harness, clearance lights, 
window motors, working parts for the locks, solenoids to power the 
locks, vent ducting, larger trim pieces, etc... On top of this, 
everything above that I've listed is located below the fixed glass. 
All of these items contribute to both the weight of the door, and the 
shift in weight due to their locations. Without the fixed glass, the 
door may colapse when open. I also don't know what kind of a effect 
the removal of the glass may have on the doors in a collision.

Fixed glass is nessisary for the doors. This is why the prototype car 
had the sliding glass, rather than full retractable glass windows. 
Even the '97 DeLorean time machine on the DeLorean Midwest 
Connection's website has fixed glass portions. And it does have more 
convetional type windows. Kinda like a Lotus Esprit, only the front 
part of the window jamb is vertical, rather than diagonal.

On a more personal note, I am quite happy with the toll both windows. 
Although I do agree that sometimes it would be nice to have a larger 
portion of the glass open for more airflow. I've though about how it 
would work to install a rear window motor like the one that's on the 
Honda Del Sol. That way I could roll the back window down to have the 
air flow in thru the toll both windows, and then out of the back. But 
I figured the louvers would probably create such an echo chamber, 
that I would probably go deaf in no time at all. Plus who knows if 
heat from off the engine could enter in.

In the mean time, it looks like it's one of two things: Roll down the 
windows for a slight breeze, or turn on the fan inside.

vin 6585

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, CBL302@xxxx wrote:
> How about somebody coming up with a way,of having removable side 
> windows...

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