THE FOLLOWING RESPONSES BY BOB ZILLA ARE IN CAPS SO YOU CAN IDENTIFY WHO'S IS SPEAKING. THERE A NUMBER OF OWNERS HERE. IN MY PREVIOUS POST I DESCRIBED MY FREND'S ACCIDENT AND LOCK-IN EPISODE. WHAT I DIDN'T TELL YOU, IS THAT I DIDN'T BELIEVE HIM. AT FIRST. I FOOLISHLY ASSUMED THAT HE WAS TOO DAZED FROM THE ACCIDENT TO KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING. AND THAT'S WHY HE COULDN'T GET OUT OF THE CAR. I WAS VERY WRONG THEN IT HAPPENED TO ME. I GOT LOCKED IN MY NEXT MOVE WAS TO UNPLUG THE ORIGINAL DOOR LOCK CONTROLLER Message: 14 Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 10:33:26 -0400 From: "marvin" <marv@xxxx> Subject: trapped inside - me too MARVIN WRITES: You must be joking! Assume there are 2 people in the car with parcels on the rear shelf area. Some have suggested just simply turning around, opening the relay / fuse section by removing the wooden board, and pulling out the relay? My body won't allow me to do that! Apparently, I'm not hinged in the same places as others. My wife and I did get stuck inside the first DeLorean we owned, at a service centre. Wearing a suit and tie, and she in a fancy dress, I found it impossible to do that ---- maybe I could have when I was 25 years younger. Since then, about 10 years, I have never locked the doors, unless I'm out of the car and use a key! Marvin Stein #4239 email: marv@xxxx NOT LOCKING THE DOORS MAY BE HELPFULL IN SOME BUT NOT ALL CASES. IT DEPENDS UPON THE CONDITION OF THE CONTROLLER. AS SEEN BY MANY OWNERS, THEY CAN TRIP THEMSELVES. FURTHERMORE, LOCKING THE CAR ONLY WHEN YOU'RE OUT CAN RESULT IN A WONDERFULL SURPRIZE WHEN YOU RETURN TO THE CAR. A DEAD BATTERY. THERE HAVE ALSO BEEN PLENTY OF CASES WHERE YOU CAN BE LOCKED OUT OF THE CAR AS WELL AS BEING LOCKED IN. THIS IS TOTALLY DEPENDENT UPON THE EXACT CONDITION OF THE CONTROLLER AT THAT MOMENT. IT A LOT LIKE ROULETTE DO YOU FEEL LUCKY TODAY ? dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Mr.Zilla, > So, let me get this straight. If I unplug that Red wire to the door lock > control module I will be able to lock and unlock the doors but not > simultaneously? > Ryan- vin.#16301 CORRECT FURTHER, IF YOU HAVE REMOTE LOCK / UNLOCK IT WILL BE INACTIVE AS WELL Message: 8 Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 00:23:56 -0400 From: "Rustproof" <Rustproof@xxxx> Subject: Re: Locked in / Bob Zilla Bob Zilla, Regarding the LockZilla product. Aside from the addition of a keyless remote, what exactly makes the LockZilla device superior to the original? Specifically, what exactly was the actual deficiency in the circuit? Did you improve the reliability of the device by replacing the relays with replacements of superior specification? Has the circuit been redesigned or is it simply a matter of component improvement? Have the switching transistors proved unreliable? Is there some inherent fault in the circuit design? What circuit component (s) actually fails? The circuit looks pretty straight-forward to me. Other than a sticking carbonized under-rated relay contact or the possibility of over-driving the switching transistors and subsequent failure of one of the diodes due to an over-current condition, what have you found to be the primary reason for the failure curve? I'm sorry to ask so many questions, but with a problem as potentially dangerous as this one, I would like to know as much as I can. Thanks, Rustproof LOCKZILLA IS A COMPLETELY NEW CONTROLLER MODULE IT IS NOT A MODIFIED OR REPAIRED ORIGINAL CONTROLLER. THERE WERE SO MANY DESIGN FLAWS IN THE ORIGINAL CONTROLLER THAT IT WAS DISCOVERED NEARLY 10 YEARS AGO, MODIFICATIONS & REPAIRS WERE NOT ALWAYS RELIABLE. How do you know if you HAVE an original door lock controller then? LOCKZILLA IS CLEARLY LABELED The only thing automatic about my doors is that if both doors are locked, then turning the key unlocks both doors. But I cannot lock both doors from one side. What does this mean that I have? If I unplug something a door lock controller, will I be able to lock and unlock my doors normally? Finally curious, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM THAT REQUIRES SERVICE LOCKZILLA PREVENTS LOCK-IN & LOCKOUT. IT CAN NOT SOLVE PROBLEMS THAT REQUIRE SERVICE BOB ZILLA
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