Yes you can. The idea is that you want to disconnect power going to the door lock module so by using your cutoff switch on your battery, you are doing the same thing. But be warned! If you reconnect the battery without disconnecting the faulty lock module it will lock the doors again and depending on how long the module applies power to the solenoids it will burn up the solenoinds and the main wiring harness going to the doors!! Trust me..(the module failed on a previous owner of my D)'s no fun to replace the main wiring harness in the doors since you have to snake that thick harness through tight channels in the door. Steve --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxx> wrote: > can u simply disconnect the battery? (I have a kill switch on my battery) > > > Yes, you can certainly be trapped in a DMC. > > The door locks are activated by rather large solenoids, controlled by > the lock module. The module is under-engineered and the relays can > stick when activated. This would keep the solenoids powered, and > being very large they are impossible to overpower manually. > Gus Schlachter > Austin, TX > 4695
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