To restore the door you don't have to replace it. Even with some damage and holes from a dent puller it can be repaired. It would require removal and shipping to someone capable of such repairs but it would be a lot cheaper than buying another door. The bigger question is what other damage there is and how badly you want to return the car to the origional finish. Even if there is no damage to a painted car not only would it require removal of the paint and fixing any damage but it will also involve regraining as the surface was probably sanded by a random orbital sander so as to give the paint job a "bite". The best way to go about this would be to remove the panels from the car and chemicaly remove the paint. IMHO if the paint job is in fair shape leave it alone unless you have a lot of time or money. The person you need to talk to is Dan Deutch (I probably misspelled his name) as he had a BLACK car with a bad paint job that he tried to repair and one thing lead to another and now the car is stainless again. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Jay Jones <JayJones@xxxx> wrote: > I made a discovery. You guessed it, Bondo in the holes from a dent puller. > I wanted to cry. I was planning on removing the paint and getting it back > to the stainless steal that we all love. I can't afford to buy another door > right now. The metal looks as though it would only be some slight dings to > it. In other words if I did remove the paint I don't think it would look > bad, (not great or even possibly good, but not bad