You'll here a "knocking" or "Clanking" noise coming from it if it is loosing system pressure. That's just the spring and diaphram that is inside the accumulator moving as the system is loosing pressure. This is what keeps the pressure in the system. If you are hearing that noise...your Accumulator may be good and you may have a faulty check valve that's on the fuel pump? A fuel leak somewhere? I don't know that best way in testing the check valve but I would do this before replacing the Accum. Steve --- In dmcnews@xxxx, paulheymeson@xxxx wrote: > Hi List, > > Regarding my accumulator which I hope to replace this weekend due to > hot starting. > I just heard a knocking noise coming from the area where it is > tonight after I switched off it happens about 6 seconds. > Does this happen when it's knackered? > > Cheers all. > Paul UK741.
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