In a message dated 06/07/2001 9:45:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, dmc12@xxxx writes: << dmc12@xxxx >> The Automatic DeLoreans are reliable...I have driven two daily. Granted there are issues that can arise from JUMP STARTING the car. Only jump start in extreme emergency. As a matter of fact, the current issue of DeLorean World magazine features an article on Jump Starting, with a special note on Automatic owners. There are many back issues of DeLorean World that feature substantial articles on the Automatic transmission service. They back issues are available at the DeLorean Owners Association web site. To answer the question of computer failure, they are reliable if you stay away from Jump starting the the car enough to keep the battery charged. SYMPTOMS OF GOVERNOR FAILURE; The car starts off in 2nd gear. The car will not hold gear. The car will shift erratically from 2nd to 3rd gears. No first gear. REPAIR; The transmission computer is easy to replace...granted if you have an area that is clean & safe to work in. The enemy is DIRT. The pan must be removed to access the computer harness connections to the mechanical links inside. (Remember to disconnect the battery) The electrical harness is below the engine compartment light switch. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE; Change the transmission filter, and pan gaskets. When I change the oil & filter every 3,000 miles, I change the transmission fluid regardless. Drain the fluid at the pan drain plug. (looks like the oil drain plug). Fill the RED fluid (Dexron 3) through the transmission dipstick. FINAL DRIVE; Use a good brand 90 weight gear oil. The final drive gear oil drain is at the bottom of the transmission (looks like oil pan drain plug). The fill plug is located on the drivers side of the transmission. (two quarts) The automatic Unreliability is a myth. I took the road less traveled when I purchased an Automatic, since I view the car as a luxury car. The costs associated with transmission service to an automatic unit is similar to that of a 5 speed...expensive. Drive your automatic DeLorean with confidence. Don't be a cheapskate on parts and service. As long as you take care of the car it will take car of you. Sincerely, Mike Pack DOA 4743
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