Earlier this week my shifter snapped off, frustrating me and disabling my car. But now I think it may be fixed. I gave it to one of the Honda techs at my work and he welded it back together, also re-drilling the roll pin hole. Let's just say putting the lever back in the shift assembly was not fun. They really didn't make the linkage easy to take apart, but with a good hammer anything can be done! I can drive it again, but I'm not sure if I can trust the weld to hold in the future. Or anything I fix myself for that matter. After all this, I had to go for a nice long celebration drive (DeLorean withdrawals are a real and terrifying thing). When I went down our main street one block was closed off and there was 10 or 15 brand new Porsches on display. As I rolled up to the intersection, every person previously drooling over the German sports cars stopped what they were doing to stare at the D. It was great! I had the windows down and I could hear people in the crowds talking about it. And Later I was passed by a truckload of guys who all waved and gave me shouts of approval. I love this car! John DeLorean, I can't thank you enough! Payne Proud owner of #2975