Re: Re: [DML] Brake lights???
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Re: Re: [DML] Brake lights???


It sounds like you have the typical tail light board problem that all
DeLoreans eventually develop. This topic has been beaten to death in the
archives, so probably nobody has wanted to explain it again. If jiggling
the socket on the board makes the lights flicker, then you have bad
electrical connections between the socket and the board. Here are your
1) Buy new Zilla boards from a D vendor. (the best solution albeit the most
2) Buy some screws & nuts from Radio Shack, put them through the rivet holes
and tighten them down as tight as you can. (cheapest and easiest, but maybe
not the best)
3) Clean the rivets and surrounding areas as best you can. Thread some bare
copper wire through them and solder them down with some good soldering flux.
(makes a more solid connection than the screws & nuts, but not as elegant as
new Zilla boards.)
All three methods work good. Which one you choose depends on your wallet,
your technical savvy, and your patience.

Installing a new board or replacing your old board is very simple. The
wires attach through an "edge card" connector. The fiberglass tail light
boards snap onto the plastic tail light housing by pushing them on and then
sliding it to one side. Perhaps you overlooked that the board needs to
slide to one side in order to lock in place. There are several tabs along
the way that all need to line up properly for the 'snap effect' to work
right. Once you see how it works, you might feel foolish for asking.

To learn more, read the archives. Maybe this has been written up on DMCTech
site already.

Walt Tampa, FL
-----Original Message-----
From: RJRavalli@xxxx <RJRavalli@xxxx>
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, May 17, 2001 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [DML] Brake lights???

>I guess I have the right kind of bulbs (the 1156 are the right ones)
>but I think I have bad wires on the bulb board. When you move it
>around the lights go off and I've noticed this happening
>on other old cars' taillights when you take them apart, but
>these seem stubborn and don't want to all stay on when I put
>the light fixture back on. Do I need to just buy a new board, and
>if so how hard is installing a new board/wires? Do I need to
>take the fascia off to do this? (I hope not!)
>Thanks again for the help,
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