Re: Remote starters
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Re: Remote starters

I personally would skip the remote starting feature. It's more for 
show then practicality. If it were for warming up the vehicle in a 
cold climate, it would serve a purpose. But chances are that if you 
live in a region where it gets that cold, you won't be driving the D 
in the winter. Granted the smaller interior of the D does warm up 
quite a bit faster then other cars. But it's nothing that I would 
consider unbearable. Plus since it is smaller, it has the ability to 
cool down much quicker than most cars. A good running A/C system on a 
D will do just as well, if not out-perform the cooling abilities of 
other vehicles comfort wise. If it doesn't cool down as quickly as 
you'd like, crack the windows to increase air flow while driving.

A better investment than the remote starter is the sunshade sold by 
DMC Houston. It keeps the interior of the car MUCH cooler. Plus it 
offers protection to the dash.

Another thing to think about is the safety aspect of things. To 
enable the remote start feature you will have leave the car in 
neutral. This opens up for too many problems. If your parking brake 
was not properly adjusted it could slip, allowing the car to roll. Or 
worse still is if you had to take the car into a mechanic's shop for 
repair work. Even if you told the mechanic the remote starting 
feature was there, he could forget. Against a wall or another car, 
someone could start the car and cause a collision. Excluding damage 
to your car, this could open up a whole new area of liability since 
companies don't reccomend the installation of remote starters of 
manual vehicles...

It is your car, and the final choices are yours when it comes to what 
you want to do with it. So I'm not going to say what should or 
shouldn't be done. But you've always got to think about the future...

vin 6585

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jeff" <Gr8old1@xxxx> wrote:
>I really would like to remote start the vehicle for A/C in the heat, 
>and heat in the winter, due to the obvious lack of full-size 
>windows. Most systems only work on an automatic.

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