If you are unable to find a new or used fuel baffle (the last I heard was that the remaining stock was very expensive), consider making one from scratch. I know this may sound totally ridiculous, but consider cutting the bottom out of a 1 gallon bottle of laundry bleach. The #2 HDPE plastic is gasoline resistant. Most plastic gas tanks are made of this type of plastic. It would help considerably if you had an original baffle to use as a pattern. The basic shape is a wide shallow cup with a ring of small holes close to the bottom. The holes are just high enough to stop small amounts of water and debris from making it into the baffle. There is a hole on the side where the fuel suction line enters through a grommet. The baffle is held down and held into shape with wire supports. If you try this crack-pot idea, I suggest adding another wire or piece of plastic to keep the suction screen in place. This could be made from a piece of the same doaner plastic bottle and held in with some stainless steel rivits or screws. The correct baffle is larger than the fuel pump hole in the tank, so you have to bend it a bit to get it in. My baffle has two pieces that snap together -- the bottom and sides are separate. In order to fit it through the fuel pump hole, I had to pass the pieces through separately; although, I have heard of some magicians fitting them through the hole pre-assembled. Walt Tampa, FL