[DML] Oil pan woes
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[DML] Oil pan woes

Today I had the oil changed in my DeLorean at the Honda dealership where I
work. We removed the drain plug only to find it completely stripped with
only about one or two threads at the top, it's a wonder it stayed in. So
now I need a new drain plug. Upon further inspection of the oil pan, the
threads inside are in almost the same shape. Looks like I also need a new
oil pan, which leads me to my big question. How do you remove the oil pan
from the car? I can't even get at the bolts on the front end due to the
frame being too close to one side. The only thing I can think of would be
to unbolt the motor mounts and lift the engine up. Is this really what you
have to do?

Don't count this as bitching, I still absolutely love my car!

Brandon Payne
VIN 2975

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