fuel pressure sensor?
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fuel pressure sensor?

With all the recent attention on fuel pressure, maybe its a good time to ask a question that I've been saving for awhile:

As some of you know, I have been chipping away at a long-term project to add some modern electronics to my D. Among other things, I would like to do some continuous monitoring of various vehicle systems. One thing on my list is fuel pressure. Wouldn't it be neat (and informative) to continuously monitor and record the real-time pressure at one or more points in the fuel system? With this capability, a lot of the most difficult engine problem diagnoses would become much easier. (Imagine watching the pressure leak away due to a bad accumulator...)

So, I have two questions:

1) Does anybody know a source of an appropriate pressure sensor (not a gauge, but a sensor with an electrical or electronic output, analogous to the oil pressure sender)? I can handle the electronics, but am clueless as to where to find such a part.

2) At what point(s) of the system would it be most informative (and practical) to install such sensors?

--Pete Lucas
VIN #06703

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