To: Erik and the List. The oil drain plug removal tool info has already been covered in previous posts on the DML. I just happened to come across them while attempting to read every post. It's going to take a while as I am just over half way. The following messages cover how to make or who to buy from the oil drain plug removal tool: 1245, 1260, 5009, 5773, 5782, 5809, 5812, 5831, 6015. I think the DMCTech collaboration of technical help and know how is a great idea. It will put a stop to unnecessary repetition of technical advice. I'm the guy who is having my DeLorean's PRV V6 heads, distributor (with a different cap), intake, and crankcase cover mated to the Eagle Premier 3.0 Litre V6 block. Message #15299. My 'D' is STILL in the shop. So I have no personal experience with having to remove the oil drain plug, yet. I hope to have the 'D' out soon to let everyone know just what was done and the costs involved. Mark R. Vanyo VIN # 02261 Lic OUTATYM P.S. Message # 6771 makes some good quick reading for any newbie's looking to buy their first (DeLorean) classic car.