Re: Oil Change
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Re: Oil Change

It is admirable that with your admittidly limited knowledge you want 
to maintain and learn on your car. The best advice I can give is to 
find another Delorean owner nearby who would be willing to assist. 
Short of that many High schools and vocational schools have courses or 
maybe even could use your car to teach you and the other students. A 
last alternitive would be to take it to a shop with a good reputation 
and ask if you could watch. Even for something as simple as your first 
oil change it will cost you several times what a shop will charge. 
Consider the cost of all of the tools, jacks, jackstands, wrenches, 
pans, etc. Of course good tools will last many oil changes so you 
should know before you invest if you will get some use out of them. 
Working on your own car can be a rewarding experience but have someone 
teach you some basics and safe working practices so you can continue 
to "have fun". Please dispose of used oil properly. A good starting 
point would be to aquire the Workshop manual. Even if you don't 
understand it now whoever helps you can use it to work on the car.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxx> wrote:
> Ok...don't blast me for this....This is a whole new thing for me!
> How do you do an oil change on a DMC? I have never done anything
> mechanically to my cars before, and I know some of the basics, like:
> you get the car up on ramps
> open the drain plug (where is it on a DMC?)
> drain the oil into a pan and close the plug again
> remove the oil filter (where is it? and what tools do I need for 
> Mechanic Skills: Zero! :)

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