Up to #37 this morning, lookin' good. No content yet. How about sending in your favorite whatever it is, whether your original or something you printed out and saved because it impressed you. You know, one submission each would make a hell of a document. Dave Sontos, send in your coverage of setting fuel mixture using the dwell meter coupled with your test of the O2 sensor, using a meter, without disconnecting the sensor. It's already written and sure impressed me. If a better version of anything comes along, the web-master is easily contacted for deletion or change. If nothing else, tell him what you want to see, give him topics to cover, Wayne is into something like writing a huge masters thesis, I would quickly bog down given the scope of his projects. That he's willing to take on this project in addition, and is in fact all set up for it, is a great opportunity to centralize the huge volume of list input. Do just this much, sign up and/or send him an entry. Vendors: Send a synopsis of what you have and what you do along with your addresses & 'phone/fax numbers. I've a pretty good grasp of the 4 major vendors and was going to do it for you but heck, what a great spot to do it yourself...how about it? (The usual disclaimer, mine doesn't include the ONE who doesn't wish to be involved with list participants, he has what basically can be considered a private practice). Most of what I was going to put out is in my head or in my notes...warning, put out your own items or you're going to be subjected to mine, I want this to happen, don't you? Les