How do you change the transmition oil and how often should it be done? I realise there are 2 sump plugs under the transmition unit (Automatic) but I assume one of these is the automatic transmition fluid and one is the transmition oil, but which is wich, I don't want to drain the wrong one. What oil do you put in the transmition and where do you fill it from ? Also is it advisable to change the transmition fluid? I have been told that auto transmition fluid is only really changed if the automatic transmition is regularly being put under allot of strain ie. when towing a big trailer. Any advice would be appreciated. Regards James RG P.S. I am going to be upgrading my site to a video site which I will place downloadable videos of me doing work on my Delorean, would people be interested in being able to download short 2-3 minute clips of say fixing the fuel sender unit, and more basic items such as oil changes? Pictures are usefull but if I put videos on the site would this be of interest to anyone. I often get pics sent to me when I ask a question on the list but surley a video arcive would be the ultimate senario. are people prepared to download 10MB files I will do all of the projects as individual files so you can download the specific job you are going to do. I would also ask others if they are willing to send digitised video files to add to the site. this is just theoretical at the moment but I hope to have at lease one video on the site by the end of the month. Opinions appreciated.