will probably need to clean entire fuel system!
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will probably need to clean entire fuel system!

Hello All,

with all of my recent problems, i've come to a conclusion:

first of all, i'm going to have to come to grips that i will have to be my 
own DeLorean mechanic. i live in Fargo, ND, thousands of miles from any good 
DeLorean service center. every place around here either laughs when i ask 
them about the car or tell me they wouldn't be interested in looking at it. 
i just spent $275 labor to get my car to run, even though it's still 
incredibly messed up with a fuel pressure well over 100 psi. no one around 
here knows enough about the car to accurately fix it. and so, i will have to 
do it all myself.

first thing is first: i think we have all run out of ideas on what to look 
for. there are so many possibilities on why my car is acting like this, that 
it's impossible to diagnose over the telephone, etc. even DMCJoe is getting 
to the end on this one! and i don't blame him. and so, i think when college 
gets out in may i will have to get my car up on jackstands and dissemble, 
clean, test, and reassemble my entire fuel system, piece by piece, component 
by component. i think this is the only thorough way of attacking this 
problem and maybe, just maybe, when i'm done the car will run right again. 
it is probably just a clogged return hose or something got kinked, or 
something is leaking. who knows. but doing this cannot hurt it - at least i 
will know my car a lot better when i'm done!

and after the fuel system - it will be the electrical system. every 
connection, ground, wire, component from front fasica to rear turn signal 
board must be cleaned and checked. i think that after this is done, i will 
have a lot less problems with intermittent connections, lights not coming on 
when they should, etc. again - even if it doesn't work i still win - i know 
more about the car than before!

my question is this: who out there has done what i propose? dissembly and 
cleaning of the fuel system? does anyone have any horror stories, tips, 
tricks, etc?

thanks, and any opinions on this are greatly welcomed!

1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102

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