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I agree that the response from John was overly strong, however, even I,
as wonderful as I am, sometimes say or write the wrong things, sometimes
it's a mood thing.

One of the first things I noticed on the list was that very often when
someone came up with something he might think to be helpful or useful,
others would jump all over him. I had heard from the previous owners of
my car that there were so many "flame-throwers" they quit monitoring the

Moderators do a good job, I've been moderated out 4 times in 5 weeks,
that's pretty good (or is this #5) so they are paying pretty good
attention but some of the lines are not that distinct. Should John's
posting have been moderated out? Hindsight says yes, hindsight is
always so brilliant, what is always needed is to put hindsight first.


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