I Have one that says "BKINTIM" which some correctly call back in time, I also get Bikini Tim and Back in Tim (the worst) I also know 2 other in my state that have different variations on that phrase, There is Bakntim, and Bkintym. Another I know of is 882futr or something really close to that. I haven't heard any thing along the lines of 'how could you do that.' It seems like most owners have non-BTTF Vanity plates, some are things relating to the doors like GulWing, hvwings and GalWing, I have seen some that are DMC12 or even DMC and the Vin. It seems that most owners approve of the personalized touch, but most either tried to stay away form the BTTF theme or they couldn't find one that they liked unused Trevor Johnson DMC #'s 4055 and 6974 www.geocities.com/dmc6974