The first and best place to try to get a loan to buy a Delorean would be the bank you are currently doing business with. If you have some money with them and a good history of payments you should be able to get a personal loan with the car as collateral. As an alternative if you have significant assets try to get a personal loan, don't call it a car loan, some banks don't understand collecter cars and will want to make it a car loan. It also pays to shop because some banks give a better rate than others. Don't forget to negotiate the costs of the loan and try not to have any pre-payment penalties so if you have to you can sell the car without extra costs. It always pays to try to have at least a casual relationship with an officer in the bank, at the very least say hello to them whenever you are in, they have the authority to waive all kinds of charges for good customers or at least the ones they like. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Aaron Posey <cadysrme@xxxx> wrote: > Try a smaller or newer local lending institution. I got my