Willie, I am responding to this message because you singled out DMC Houston from the rest of the DeLorean parts suppliers. As a DeLorean parts vendor I spend a good part of my day talking to DeLorean parts suppliers, customers, and other vendors around the world. Parts price lists, are strictly for reference. It is extremely difficult to maintain an "up to date" price list when you are dealing with thousands and thousands of parts that come from hundreds of suppliers, fueled by a fluctuating consumer market. Sometimes just a clerical error is to blame. As you indicated DeLorean One said: "After correcting the incorrect part prices, your total order is $51.72 plus shipping. Do you still want us to process the order reflecting the $6.42 increase in cost?" I believe this to be fair and reasonable way to do business. My company, DeLorean Services and, I think, most of the other major vendors share my thoughts. Concerning the remainder of your experience; if you made the same statements mentioned above to me instead of Ed Burnstein I probably would be just as upset. DMC Joe (Joe LoRe') De Lorean Services / <dmjoe@xxxx> Web Site: <www.deloreanservices.com> ----- Original Message ----- From: Willie Mack <wmack@xxxx> To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 10:51 PM Subject: [DML] D-1 > ***** Moderator's Note ****** > This will not start a new thread bashing DeLorean One. I passed it on > to the list because it contains actual documentation from DeLorean One. > > Mike G. > ***** > > To all the Delorean Owners on this list. I recently had an unpleasant > event with Delorean One in California. I would like to present to you what > happened. I apologize for this email being so long. > > > This is a copy of the first email i received from Delorean One. > Please be advised that your order has been received and all parts are in > stock for immediate shipment. > However, a review of the pricing schedule indicates that two of the part > numbers have incorrect prices: Part Number 102283 - should be $1.53 each > and Part Number 102284 - should be $3.08 each. > After correcting the incorrect part prices, your total order is $51.72 plus > shipping. > Do you still want us to process the order reflecting the $6.42 increase in > cost? > > Please advise. > > Thank you, > DeLorean One > > > This is my response to Delorean One. > Yes, i would like to still have my order proccessed. However i feel that > your company should update there information better in the future. This is > false advertising, and unfair. You can't change the price on something, > after > someone has already placed in order. I am disappointed in your company > and will shop from DMC Houston from now on. > Willie Mack > > > Edward Bernstein's response to my email. > Dear Mr. Mack, > It is unfortunate that you do not understand that an error in our data base > had been made. > > Please be advised that your order has been completely cancelled. > You are free to place all orders for your DeLorean automobile parts and > service through any supplier you wish. > > We are no longer interested in processing orders from you in the future. It > appears that you feel that your order of miscellaneous DeLorean automobile > parts is of a great significance to a parts supplier and that if you cannot > take advantage of them by insisting that you should get an item at an > erroneous price because of a mistake in the data base, that they do not > deserve your business. > > Fortunately for you, there are several DeLorean parts vendors from who you > can purchase parts and who may be willing to accept your childlike attitude. > We are confident that all your parts and service requirements in the future > can be satisfied by any other DeLorean parts and service vendor except > DeLorean One. > > By the way, based upon the parts you indicated that you required, you will > probably not be in a position to complete any meaningful repairs on you car > without additional parts and some very professional advice. > > Happy Motoring, > DeLorean One > > > After receiving this email i called Mr. Bernstein and inquired about the > email he had sent me. He proceeded to yell and use profanity towards me. > He told me repeatedly that he doesn't need my business and doesn't want my > business. So i have taken it on myself to get the word out about what kind > of business Delorean One really is. > I have delt with DMC Houston on a number of occassions and they have gone > out of there way to help me. > > Thanks for listening. > Willie Mack > Vin 5043
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