The U.S. economy was in a recession and car sales were down a whopping 40%. A sportscar with a price tag of $25,000 in 1981 had no chance in an economy like that. I think the Thatcher role had more to do with British politics regarding Northern Ireland than it did with favors to Ronald Reagan. Bruce Benson > JZD challenged big business in America, Just like Tucker did. They got rid of > Tucker the same way they got rid of John, by false legal charges. They > litigated both men into bankruptcy. > Reagan had England and Thatcher change the laws to force DMC into bankruptcy. > John built a 25 year car for the same price. as Detroit's 10 year cars cost. He > would have killed them in the market place. > > America is no longer a free enterprise system and has not been since 1980. > > Bob