Dave, It took a bit of head scratching and looking over the OEM circuit board to find out. There is no equivalent diode D5 in the 'lock doors' circuit. (Whew!) It took a bit more head scratching to figure out why. And this changes my TOA. Replace this part: "Here it is evident that the function of diodes D5 and D13 placed back-to-back are to allow the transistor to be switched on without the door unlock switch interfering with the transistor's bias." With this: "The function of diode D13 is to allow the transistor to be switched on without the door unlock switch interfering with the transistor's bias. The purpose of diode D5 is to stop the door lock module from sending a false signal to the 'Lock Doors' dash light though resistor R12." I am pleased to be able to contribute something useful. I bet I've fooled a lot of people into thinking that I'm actually smart! :) Walt