Barry, I have a close looking fuse block that I make up.Sure it may not be a boat anchor looking block. But It looks pretty close to original. I have tested it with 30amp fuses running the fans and there is no heat. Take a look at the wires underneath your fuse that has the melted. Are the wires melted. If not then there is nothing wrong with the lucas wiring. The problem may be in the connections or the item being protected. If the cover has been on then that will contribute to the heat problem. Also, the new Fan Fail Plug in mod is up. The programmer called it a relay.That will be changed tomorrow. John --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, qrorell@xxxx wrote: > I am hoping not to prolong this if you have already answered this question but.... > You said that a heavier fuse connection instead of the stock one which is not sturdy? enough. Does one of the Delorean dealers have this part. I have several melted/overused fuse holders in my fuse box and was wondering if somebody had a stock looking replacement for this. I know that I can change to an aftermarket part but would like to retain the stock look of the car(but not the Lucas wiring flaws). > Thanks for your time! > Barry
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