Re: water pump pulleys
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Re: water pump pulleys

Walt - I've been selling custom billet bolt-on water pump pulleys for close
to 14 years. They are extremely well made and look great. They go for $79
plus shipping but unfortunately I am sold out right now. The shop that
makes them for me is way behind and it will probably be January before I get
another supply. The reason I had them made was twofold - in the beginning a
lot of people were buying stock pumps and then ruining their pulley when
trying to switch it, and new pulleys were not available. Plus, the Volvo
version of the pump is considerably less expensive and easier to find. They
run around $79 - $135 depending on your resources, compared to the $463.75
cost of the original. Nowdays there are options from other dealers, but I
still sell a lot of these pulleys. Another advantage is the NEXT time your
pump goes south. You just take your lifetime warranteed Volvo pump back to
the parts house, get a new one, and its a freebee. I don't think the NOS
pumps have that kind of guarantee. Your choice.

Darryl Tinnerstet
Specialty Automotive
4 LaBelle Lane
McCleary, WA 98557
PH: 360-495-4640
FAX: 360-495-4680

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