I have sent an e-mail to the author of the web page for DeLorean Club - Deutschland, with an inquery if the model can be purchased by us at their club price. In the meantime, here is a rough translation of the info on the web page. Note: I do not claim 100% accuracy on this translation, but it should give a good idea about the details. Translation: "It has taken a long time, but now it is finally here, what we all have waited for, the DeLorean model is finished. Also, it looks really sharp!" Description: DeLorean DMC 12 1981 #VF0001, Scale 1:43 (Exact T :42,778) Material Pewter 37 photo etched parts (parts black matte chromed or original chrome) Body color Stainless steel silver 17 parts body 16 separate parts with decals Completely detailed interior including hand made show case On special order the model can be supplied in different colors, for example painted in red or black. Completed modell wit show case Limited edition of 250 399:00 DM DeLorean club price 300:00 DM Design & art modell (Hi gloss polished pewter) Limited edition of 50 499:00 DM Delorean Club price 400:00 DM Kit (Building kit, excluding show case) 200:00 DM End of translation. The rest of the web pages contain D spare parts and pricing. The exchange rate today is approximately $0.44, i.e., the cost in US$ for the 300 DM version would be approximately $132 and $176 for the "Designer version" (assuming that we could by it at the German DMC price). As soon as I hear back from the German DMC club I will post any additional information. Roger Brogren
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