Sean Howley wrote: > My friend and I were discussing the DeLorean fuel injection system today and we came up with an issue that I am curious about whether or not our conclusion was correct. The question is: If I were to replace my fuel lines supplying the injectors and installed the wrong hose size (larger inside diameter than stock), would this effect the operation of the system in any way? NO. As we all supposedly learned in high school, pressure exerted upon an enclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished throughout the enclosed liquid. The question becomes, then, one of the volume. Your larger capacity inside diameter hose would supply the same pressure as the correct size hose, and have the "capacity" to supply more volume. The volume (amount of fuel delivered) is controlled by the injectors, at the delivery point, and thus would remain as stock. > Our conclusion was that no matter what the size of the tube, as the fuel in added by the fuel distributor, the amount exiting should be the same as stock. In other words, the fuel line is only a reservoir for "holding" the fuel as it is moved to the injector. > WRONG! If the hose is SMALLER in diameter, it COULD restrict the volume of fuel delivered to the injectors, depending upon the capacity of the fuel pump/distributor to keep up. I say COULD, not necessarily WOULD. Larger SHOULD pose no problem (other than potential leaking at fittings, chafing, etc). Smaller COULD pose fuel delivery volume problems (and potential splitting at fittings, etc). Also, if the restriction is sufficient enough, loss of flow volume could be compounded by a corresponding loss in pressure. Mike Hirko Kelso WA VIN 1387
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